I loved the clock part because lets face it clock submissions only pass because they give each other fives. This was funny as hell good work. 5/5
I loved the clock part because lets face it clock submissions only pass because they give each other fives. This was funny as hell good work. 5/5
Glad you liked it. Thanks for the score.
The clock crew is the most over rated group. They suck plan and simple. Over all this flash was OK but because of all of the clocks that are given you zeros I gave you a five. Its nice to see are groups that hate the clock crew!
Hehehe, thanks alot. You should stop by some time.
F-KREW Mischief Maker
I liked it.
It was funny as hell seeing yogi kick ryu ass. 5/5
:P thanks, glad u liked it
can't wait to see more. 5/5 oh before i forget i wanna get you on my buddy list for new grounds.
Thanks again JoKeR, it's always good to see you back for more. -_^
I'm taking you off my Favorite supmission...
and adding you to my favorite authors. When is ep. 2 comming?
The next episode is on it's way... I am about two thirds complete. You can expect its arrival in a week or so.
Great job
I'm adding this one to my favorites too. 5/5
Sweet, thank you my friend.
Good job.
You did a good job. I'm adding this to my favorites. you get 5/5
I thanks you. I hope you enjoy the other episodes. ^_^
Not bad.
This is good can't wait to see the rest of it.
Thanks, I'll get working on it asap
I hate noobs.
I got x-box live and i have seen that before on there. its sad how bad people suck on there.
lol. I actually never snipe on Halo, though i do on the actual movie. I only snipe when like forced with a fuel rod cannon or something. I prefer pistols.
Member of the Elite Guard Barracks!
Age 37, Male
Cleaning the portal
Joined on 8/24/05